Kod: KT-6
Status: Active
Kryetar: Agim Xhuraj
Sekretar: Albina Jashanica
KT-6KT-6 KT. për MetrologjiKod: KT-6
Status: Active
Kryetar: Agim Xhuraj
Sekretar: Albina Jashanica
Titulli ShqipKT. për Metrologji
Titulli AnglishtTC for Metrology
FushëDimenzionimi, materialet dhe funksionimi, veqanërisht mbi bazën e kërkesave metrologjike, instrumentet laboratorike përfshirë përgatitjen e mostrave, etj.
Fushë në anglishtDimensions, materials and functional, especially metrological requirements of analytical laboratory instruments including sample preparation, etc.
Marrëdhëniet me të gjitha komitetet ndërkombëtare / evropianeCEN/TC 92Water meters CEN/TC 176Thermal energy meters CEN/TC 237Gas meters CEN/TC 290Dimensional and geometrical product specification and verification CEN/TC 294Communication systems for meters CEN/TC 318Hydrometry CEN/TC 332Laboratory equipment CEN/SS F05Measuring Instruments CEN/SS I03Limits and fits CEN/CLC/JWG NAWINon automatic weighing instruments CEN/SS M21Precious metals - Applications in jewellery and associated products CEN/CLC/JWG RRMCEN/CENELEC Joint Working Group Remote Reading of Meters CLC/BTTF 128-2Erection and operation of electrical test equipment CLC/SR 42High-voltage testing techniques CLC/TC 13Electrical energy measurement and control IEC/TC 13Electrical energy measurement, tariff- and load control TC 13Electrical energy measurement and control ISO/TC 226Materials for the production of primary aluminium ISO/TC 108/SC 2Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration and shock as applied to machines, vehicles and structures ISO/TC 30/SC 2Pressure differential devices ISO/TC 113/SC 1Velocity area methods ISO/TC 30/SC 7Volume methods including water meters ISO/TC 69/SC 6Measurement methods and results ISO/TC 48/SC 4Density measuring instruments CLC/TC 13Electrical energy measurement and control ISO/TC 30Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits ISO/TC 113Hydrometry CLC/TC 86BXAFibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components CLC/SR 104Environmental conditions, classification and methods of test ISO/TC 48Laboratory equipment ISO/TC 213Dimensional and geometrical product specifications and verification |