Kod: KT-4
Status: Active
Kryetar: Musli Bajraktari
Sekretar: Albina Jashanica
KT-4 KT. për Transport dhe Shërbime PostareKod: KT-4
Status: Active
Kryetar: Musli Bajraktari
Sekretar: Albina Jashanica
Titulli ShqipKT. për Transport dhe Shërbime Postare
Titulli AnglishtTC for Transport and Postal Services
FushëMirëmbajtja; transporti, logjistika dhe shërbimet; shërbimet konsulencë të inxhinierisë; zbatime në hekurudhë, infrastruktura; shërbimet postare, etj.
Fushë në anglishtMaintenance; transport, logistics and services; engineering consultancy services; welding of railway vehicles; infrastructure; postal services, etc.
Marrëdhëniet me të gjitha komitetet ndërkombëtare / evropianeTC 57Power systems management and associated information exchange ISO/TC 241Road traffic safety management systems ISO/TC 22/SC 35Lighting and visibility ISO/TC 8Ships and marine technology ISO/TC 20Aircraft and space vehicles ISO/TC 204Intelligent transport systems CEN/TC 15Inland navigation vessels CEN/TC 256Railway applications CEN/TC 274Aircraft ground support equipment CEN/TC 287Geographic Information CEN/TC 301Road vehicles CEN/TC 320Transport - Logistics and services CEN/TC 331Postal services CEN/SS T01Shipbuilding and maritime structures CEN/SS T02Aerospace CEN/SS T03Road Vehicles CEN/TC 344Steel static storage systems CEN/TC 354Light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities and not subject to type-approval for on-road use CLC/TC 20Electric cables CLC/TC 9XElectrical and electronic applications for railways CLC/TC 21XSecondary cells and batteries CLC/SC 9XACommunication, signalling and processing systems CLC/SC 9XCElectric supply and earthing systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations) CLC/TC 69XElectrical systems for electric road vehicles CLC/TC 57Power systems management and associated information exchange CLC/TC 20Electric cables CLC/TC 9XElectrical and electronic applications for railways CLC/TC 69XElectrical systems for electric road vehicles TC 69Electrical power/energy transfer systems for electrically propelled road vehicles and industrial trucks CLC/TC 57Power systems management and associated information exchange CLC/SC 9XACommunication, signalling and processing systems CLC/SC 9XBElectrical, electronic and electromechanical material on board rolling stock, including associated software |