Kod: KT-3
Status: Active
Kryetar: Edmond Hajrizi
Sekretar: Besa Berisha
KT-3 KT. për Sistemet e Menaxhimit të CilësisëKod: KT-3
Status: Active
Kryetar: Edmond Hajrizi
Sekretar: Besa Berisha
Titulli ShqipKT. për Sistemet e Menaxhimit të Cilësisë
Titulli AnglishtTC for Quaality Management Systems
FushëMenagjimi i cilësisë (sistemet e menagjimit të cilësisë dhe mbështetje e teknologjive) sikurse edhe standardizmimi në sektorët specifik në bazë të kërkesave të sektorëve relevant, etj.
Fushë në anglishtQuality management (generic quality management systems and supporting technologies), as well as quality management standardization in specific sectors at the request of the affected sectors, etc.
Marrëdhëniet me të gjitha komitetet ndërkombëtare / evropianeISO/PC 308Chain of custody - General terminology and models ISO/TC 304Healthcare organization management CEN/TC 1Oil and gas pipelines; pipe requirements CEN/TC 3Kitchen equipment; functional dimensions CEN/TC 279Value management - Value analysis, function analysis CEN/SS F20Quality assurance ASD-STANAerospace CEN/CLC/JTC 1Criteria for conformity assessment bodies CEN/CLC/WG QSCEN/CENELEC Coordinating working group on quality supplements ASD/PROCProcedures CEN/WS ESIElectronic Signatures CEN/TC 348Facility Management ASD/QUALQuality CEN/TC 353Information and Communication Technologies for Learning, Education and Training CEN/TC 368Product Identification CEN/TC 389Innovation Management CEN/TC 391Societal and Citizen Security ISO/TC 176/SC 2Quality systems ISO/TC 176/SC 3Supporting technologies ISO/CASCOCommittee on conformity assessment ISO/TC 37Language and terminology ISO/TC 260Human resource management ISO/TC 176Quality management and quality assurance ISO/TC 279Innovation management ISO/TC 262Risk management ISO/TC 276Biotechnology ISO/TC 292Security and resilience ISO/TC 283Occupational health and safety management TC 3Documentation, graphical symbols and representations of technical information ISO/TC 309Governance of organizations CLC/SR 3Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols CLC/SR 56Dependability CEN/CLC/JTC 1Criteria for conformity assessment bodies CLC/SR 3Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols CLC/SR 56Dependability |