Kod: KT-5
Status: Active
Kryetar: Nebi Caka
Sekretar: Qefsere Ajeti
KT-5KT-5 KT. për ElektroteknikëKod: KT-5
Status: Active
Kryetar: Nebi Caka
Sekretar: Qefsere Ajeti
Titulli ShqipKT. për Elektroteknikë
Titulli AnglishtTC for Electrotechnical
FushëTransformatorët e energjisë, transformuesit, shp rndarja dhe transmisioni; pajisjet, komponentet e tyre (veqan risht pajisjet elektronike) dhe shtrirja në këto aspekte, etj.
Fushë në anglishtPower transformers, tap-changers, transmission and distribution; power electronics; equipment, their component parts (especially electronic devices) and their extension to the system aspect, etc.
Marrëdhëniet me të gjitha komitetet ndërkombëtare / evropianeCEN/TC 20Textiles CLC/TC 14Power transformers CLC/TC 22XPower electronics CLC/TC 17ACHigh-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/TC 17BLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 17Switchgear and controlgear CLC/TC 64Electrical installations and protection against electric shock CLC/TC 78Equipment and tools for live working CLC/SR 23JSwitches for appliances CLC/SR 112Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems (to be defined) TC 22Power electronic systems and equipment CLC/SR 29Electroacoustics CLC/TC 14Power transformers CLC/SR 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing CLC/TC 23ECircuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications CLC/TC 108XSafety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology TC 22/SC 22EStabilized power supplies TC 65/SC 65EDevices and integration in enterprise systems TC 1Terminology CLC/SR 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof CLC/TC 37ALow voltage surge protective devices TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems CLC/SR 38Instrument transformers TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/TC 22XPower electronics TC 22/SC 22HUninterruptible power systems (UPS) CLC/TC 23BXSwitches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlet for D.C. CLC/SR 89Fire hazard testing TC 20Electric cables TC 34/SC 34BLamp caps and holders TC 23/SC 23ECircuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use CLC/TC 26Electric welding TC 26Electric welding CLC/SR 23GAppliance couplers TC 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing CLC/TC 85XMeasuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities TC 34/SC 34DLuminaires TC 109Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment TC 23/SC 23BPlugs, socket-outlets and switches CLC/TC 213Cable management systems TC 33Power capacitors and their applications TC 106Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure CLC/TC 2Rotating machinery CLC/SR 32CMiniature fuses CLC/SR 33Power capacitors and their applications CLC/TC 65XIndustrial-process measurement, control and automation CLC/SR 86CFibre optic systems and active devices CLC/TC 106XElectromagnetic fields in the human environment CLC/TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances CLC/TC 21XSecondary cells and batteries TC 21Secondary cells and batteries CLC/TC 17ACHigh-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/TC 34Lighting TC 23/SC 23ACable management systems TC 62/SC 62DElectromedical equipment CLC/TC 62Electrical equipment in medical practice CLC/TC 66XSafety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment TC 29Electroacoustics TC 121/SC 121ALow-voltage switchgear and controlgear TC 77/SC 77AEMC - Low frequency phenomena TC 77/SC 77BHigh frequency phenomena TC 77/SC 77CHigh power transient phenomena TC 108Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology TC 61/SC 61ESafety of electrical commercial catering equipment TC 61/SC 61CSafety of refrigeration appliances for household and commercial use CLC/TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems CLC/TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems CLC/TC 85XMeasuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities TC 17High-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/TC 210Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) TC 61/SC 61BSafety of microwave appliances for household and commercial use TC 61/SC 61JElectrical motor-operated cleaning appliances for commercial use TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances TC 61/SC 61DAppliances for air-conditioning for household and similar purposes TC 61/SC 61HSafety of electrically-operated farm appliances CLC/SR 121BLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies CLC/TC 65XIndustrial-process measurement, control and automation CLC/TC 121ALow-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 36Insulators CLC/SR 36CInsulators for substations CLC/TC 79Alarm systems CLC/SR 112Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems (to be defined) CLC/TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances CLC/TC 213Cable management systems CLC/SR 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities CLC/TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/TC 23BXSwitches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlets for d.c. and for the charging of electrical vehicles including their connectors CLC/SR 86CFibre optic systems and active devices CLC/TC 62Electrical equipment in medical practice CLC/TC 106XElectromagnetic fields in the human environment CLC/SR 32AHigh-voltage fuses CLC/SR 66Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment CLC/TC 36AInsulated bushings CLC/SR 36BInsulators for overhead lines CLC/TC 26BElectric resistance welding CLC/SR 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing CLC/SR 46FRF and microwave passive components CLC/TC 78Equipment and tools for live working CLC/TC 8XSystem aspects of electrical energy supply CLC/TC 23ECircuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications CEN/CLC/TC 3Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices CLC/SR 29Electroacoustics CLC/SR 109Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment CLC/SR 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof CLC/TC 26AElectric arc welding equipment CLC/TC 32AHigh-voltage fuses CLC/SR 33Power capacitors and their applications CLC/TC 23HPlugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles CLC/SC 46XACoaxial cables CLC/SR 48BConnectors CLC/TC 203Electronic entertainment and educational systems for household and similar use CLC/TC 34ALamps CLC/SR 23GAppliance couplers CLC/BTWG 79-1Conversion adaptors for industrial use CLC/SR 65BDevices & process analysis CLC/SR 32CMiniature fuses CLC/TC 108XSafety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology CLC/TC 2Rotating machinery CLC/TC 210Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) CLC/SR 23JSwitches for appliances CLC/TC 17DLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies CLC/TC 76Optical radiation safety and laser equipment CLC/SR 15Solid electrical insulating materials CLC/SR 89Fire hazard testing CLC/TC 34ZLuminaires and associated equipment CLC/TC 37ALow voltage surge protective devices CLC/TC 81XLightning protection CLC/SR 73Short-circuit currents CLC/SR 37Surge arresters TC 48Electrical connectors and mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment IEC/TC 47Semiconductor devices TC 47Semiconductor devices IEC/TC 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment TC 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment IEC/TC 39Electronic tubes TC 42High-voltage and high-current test techniques IEC/TC 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities TC 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities IEC/TC 49Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection TC 49Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection IEC/TC 48Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic equipment CLC/TC 40XACapacitors and EMI suppression components CLC/SR 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment CLC/SR 39Electronic tubes IEC/TC 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof TC 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof IEC/TC 42High-voltage testing techniques CLC/SR 49Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection CLC/SR 48DMechanical structures for electronic equipment CLC/SR 47EDiscrete semiconductor devices CLC/SR 47DMechanical standardization of semiconductor devices CLC/SR 47Semiconductor devices CLC/TC 40XBResistors |