Kod: KT-5
Status: Active
Kryetar: Nebi Caka
Sekretar: Qefsere Ajeti
KT-5 KT. për ElektroteknikëKod: KT-5
Status: Active
Kryetar: Nebi Caka
Sekretar: Qefsere Ajeti
Titulli ShqipKT. për Elektroteknikë
Titulli AnglishtTC for Electrotechnical
FushëTransformatorët e energjisë, transformuesit, shp rndarja dhe transmisioni; pajisjet, komponentet e tyre (veqan risht pajisjet elektronike) dhe shtrirja në këto aspekte, etj.
Fushë në anglishtPower transformers, tap-changers, transmission and distribution; power electronics; equipment, their component parts (especially electronic devices) and their extension to the system aspect, etc.
Marrëdhëniet me të gjitha komitetet ndërkombëtare / evropianeTC 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof TC 42High-voltage and high-current test techniques TC 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities TC 49Piezoelectric, dielectric and electrostatic devices and associated materials for frequency control, selection and detection TC 48Electrical connectors and mechanical structures for electrical and electronic equipment TC 47Semiconductor devices TC 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment TC 61/SC 61BSafety of microwave appliances for household and commercial use TC 61/SC 61JElectrical motor-operated cleaning appliances for commercial use TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances TC 61/SC 61DAppliances for air-conditioning for household and similar purposes TC 61/SC 61HSafety of electrically-operated farm appliances TC 61/SC 61ESafety of electrical commercial catering equipment TC 61/SC 61CSafety of refrigeration appliances for household and commercial use TC 17High-voltage switchgear and controlgear TC 29Electroacoustics TC 121/SC 121ALow-voltage switchgear and controlgear TC 77/SC 77AEMC - Low frequency phenomena TC 77/SC 77BHigh frequency phenomena TC 77/SC 77CHigh power transient phenomena TC 108Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/video, information technology and communication technology TC 23/SC 23ACable management systems TC 62/SC 62DElectromedical equipment TC 33Power capacitors and their applications TC 106Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure TC 21Secondary cells and batteries TC 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing TC 34/SC 34DLuminaires TC 109Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment TC 23/SC 23BPlugs, socket-outlets and switches TC 20Electric cables TC 34/SC 34BLamp caps and holders TC 23/SC 23ECircuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems TC 22/SC 22EStabilized power supplies TC 65/SC 65EDevices and integration in enterprise systems TC 1Terminology TC 22Power electronic systems and equipment CEN/TC 20Textiles CLC/TC 2Rotating machinery CLC/TC 14Power transformers CLC/TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances CLC/TC 62Electrical equipment in medical practice CLC/TC 64Electrical installations and protection against electric shock CLC/TC 76Optical radiation safety and laser equipment CLC/TC 78Equipment and tools for live working CLC/TC 108XSafety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology CLC/TC 17BLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/TC 17DLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies CLC/TC 23BXSwitches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlets for d.c. and for the charging of electrical vehicles including their connectors CLC/TC 23ECircuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications CLC/TC 26AElectric arc welding equipment CLC/TC 26BElectric resistance welding CLC/TC 32AHigh-voltage fuses CLC/TC 34ZLuminaires and associated equipment CLC/TC 36AInsulated bushings CLC/SC 46XACoaxial cables IEC/TC 39Electronic tubes IEC/TC 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment IEC/TC 42High-voltage testing techniques IEC/TC 47Semiconductor devices IEC/TC 48Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic equipment IEC/TC 49Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection IEC/TC 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities IEC/TC 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof CLC/TC 65XIndustrial-process measurement, control and automation CLC/SR 15Solid electrical insulating materials CLC/SR 17Switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 23GAppliance couplers CLC/SR 23JSwitches for appliances CLC/SR 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing CLC/SR 29Electroacoustics CLC/SR 32CMiniature fuses CLC/SR 33Power capacitors and their applications CLC/SR 36Insulators CLC/SR 36CInsulators for substations CLC/SR 37Surge arresters CLC/SR 38Instrument transformers TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/SR 39Electronic tubes CLC/SR 40Capacitors and resistors for electronic equipment CLC/SR 65BDevices & process analysis CLC/SR 73Short-circuit currents CLC/SR 47Semiconductor devices CLC/SR 48DMechanical structures for electronic equipment CLC/SR 49Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection CLC/SR 47DMechanical standardization of semiconductor devices CLC/SR 89Fire hazard testing CLC/SR 85Measuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities CLC/SR 86CFibre optic systems and active devices CLC/SR 66Safety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment CLC/BTWG 79-1Conversion adaptors for industrial use CLC/SR 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof CLC/SR 48BConnectors CLC/TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/TC 203Electronic entertainment and educational systems for household and similar use CLC/TC 210Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) CLC/TC 213Cable management systems CLC/SR 47EDiscrete semiconductor devices CLC/TC 22XPower electronics CLC/TC 81XLightning protection CLC/SR 36BInsulators for overhead lines CLC/TC 40XACapacitors and EMI suppression components CLC/TC 40XBResistors CLC/TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems CLC/TC 106XElectromagnetic fields in the human environment CLC/SR 32AHigh-voltage fuses CLC/SR 109Insulation co-ordination for low-voltage equipment CLC/TC 8XSystem aspects of electrical energy supply CLC/SR 46FRF and microwave passive components CLC/TC 37ALow voltage surge protective devices CLC/TC 17ACHigh-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 112Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems (to be defined) CEN/CLC/TC 3Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices CLC/TC 85XMeasuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities CLC/TC 34ALamps CLC/TC 2Rotating machinery CLC/TC 14Power transformers CLC/TC 61Safety of household and similar electrical appliances CLC/TC 62Electrical equipment in medical practice CLC/TC 78Equipment and tools for live working CLC/TC 79Alarm systems CLC/TC 108XSafety of electronic equipment within the fields of Audio/Video, Information Technology and Communication Technology CLC/TC 21XSecondary cells and batteries CLC/TC 23BXSwitches, boxes and enclosures for household and similar purposes, plugs and socket outlet for D.C. CLC/TC 23ECircuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications CLC/TC 65XIndustrial-process measurement, control and automation CLC/SR 23GAppliance couplers CLC/SR 23JSwitches for appliances CLC/SR 27Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing CLC/SR 29Electroacoustics CLC/SR 32CMiniature fuses CLC/SR 33Power capacitors and their applications CLC/SR 89Fire hazard testing CLC/SR 86CFibre optic systems and active devices CLC/SR 96Transformers, reactors, power supply units, and combinations thereof CLC/TC 38Instrument transformers CLC/TC 210Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) CLC/TC 213Cable management systems CLC/TC 22XPower electronics TC 22/SC 22HUninterruptible power systems (UPS) CLC/TC 82Solar photovoltaic energy systems CLC/TC 106XElectromagnetic fields in the human environment CLC/TC 37ALow voltage surge protective devices CLC/TC 17ACHigh-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 112Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulating materials and systems (to be defined) CLC/TC 85XMeasuring equipment for electrical and electromagnetic quantities CLC/TC 121ALow-voltage switchgear and controlgear CLC/SR 121BLow-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies CLC/TC 23HPlugs, Socket-outlets and Couplers for industrial and similar applications, and for Electric Vehicles CLC/TC 34Lighting CLC/TC 66XSafety of measuring, control, and laboratory equipment CLC/TC 26Electric welding TC 26Electric welding |