Republika e Kosovës
Ministria e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë

SK EN ISO 6529:2013

Shtëpi » Standardizim » SK EN ISO 6529:2013
SK EN ISO 6529:2013
Status: Withdrawn
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 31
Publikuar: 2013-05-13
I tërhequr: 2019-05-14
Regjistri Kombëtar: 274/2019
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 6529:2001
CEN/TC 162
Çmim: 29 €

Titulli Shqip

Veshje mbrojtese -Mbrojtja kundra produkteve kimike -Percaktimi i rezistences se materialit te perdorur per veshjen mbrojtese kundra depertimit te lengjeve dhe gazeve

Titulli Anglisht

Protective clothing - Protection against chemicals - Determination of resistance of protective clothing materials to permeation by liquids and gases (ISO 6529:2001)

Scope Shqip

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Scope Anglisht

This standard describes laboratory test methods that enable a determination of the resistance of materials used in protective clothing to permeation by liquid or gaseous chemical under the conditions of either continuous or intermittent contact.

Komitetet Teknike



Veprim Kombëtar

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