Logo <p>Agjencia Kosovare p&euml;r Standardizim Adres&euml;: Rr. &quot;Ismail Hajdaraj&quot; p.n.10000 Prishtin&euml;/Republika e Kosov&euml;s. Tel.+ 383 38 512 779 Fax: +383 38 512 798 Email:aksinfo@rks-gov.net</p> Date: 2024-05-06
Time: 11:05

SK EN ISO 14978:2014
Status: Withdrawn
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 42
Publikuar: 2014-09-23
I tërhequr: 2023-02-28
Regjistri Kombëtar: 127/2014
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 14978:2006
CEN/TC 290
Çmim: 34 €

Titulli Shqip

Specifikime Gjeometrike të Produktit (GPS) -Koncepte dhe kërkesa të përgjithshme për pajisjen matëse GPS

Titulli Anglisht

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - General concepts and requirements for GPS measuring equipment (ISO 14978:2006)

Scope Shqip

Asnjë informacion i shtuar.

Scope Anglisht

ISO 14978:2006 specifies the general requirements, terms and definitions of characteristics of simple GPS measuring equipment, e.g. micrometers, dial gauges, callipers, surface plates, height gauges, gauge blocks, but not necessarily excluding more complicated equipment. It forms the basis for standards defining and describing the design characteristics and metrological characteristics for measuring equipment. It also gives guidance for the development and content of standards for GPS measuring equipment. ISO 14978:2006 is intended to ease the communication between manufacturer/supplier and customer/user and to make the specification phase of GPS measuring equipment more accurate. It is also intended as a tool to be used in companies in the process of defining and selecting relevant characteristics for measuring equipment to be used in the quality assurance of measuring processes, i.e. in calibration and in workpiece measurements. ISO 14978:2006 also includes terms which are frequently used in connection with the characterization of specific measuring equipment.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-6 - KT. për Metrologji


17.040.30 - Mjete matëse


Asnjë informacion i shtuar.

Veprim Kombëtar

SK SSH EN ISO 14978:2021 replaces SK EN ISO 14978:2014 - 2021-09-29
Copyright 2019 Agjencia Kosovare për Standardizim