Logo <p>Agjencia Kosovare p&euml;r Standardizim Adres&euml;: Rr. &quot;Ismail Hajdaraj&quot; p.n.10000 Prishtin&euml;/Republika e Kosov&euml;s. Tel.+ 383 38 512 779 Fax: +383 38 512 798 Email:aksinfo@rks-gov.net</p> Date: 2024-07-04
Time: 21:01

SK EN 15663:2012
Status: Withdrawn
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 20
Publikuar: 2012-11-20
I tërhequr: 2019-05-24
Regjistri Kombëtar: 276/2019
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN 15663:2009
CEN/TC 256
Çmim: 23 €

Titulli Shqip

Zbatime në hekurudhë-Përcaktimi i masave referuese të automjeteve

Titulli Anglisht

Railway applications - Definition of vehicle reference masses

Scope Shqip

Asnjë informacion i shtuar.

Scope Anglisht

The purpose of this document is to define a set of reference masses that can be used as a common starting point for specifying the requirements for the design, testing, delivery acceptance, marking and operation of rail vehicles. It is not the intention of this European Standard to change the dimensioning of vehicle system components by the definition of these common reference masses. However, when the relevant standards are revised or new ones developed, the masses to be used in these vehicle system component standards as the basis for the design should be expressed as a function of the reference mass states defined in this standard. Until the standards are changed the existing criteria continue to apply. This document covers all types of rail vehicles. For the purpose of vehicle mass definitions rolling stock is divided into three vehicle groups which are:  high speed and other long distance trains;  passenger vehicles other than high speed and long distance trains, including metro and tramway;  freight vehicles (wagons and freight motored units). Locomotives are treated as passenger vehicles without payload. The specification of the technical requirements of the railway vehicle should contain the information to which vehicle group it belongs. NOTE “Long distance” includes all passenger trains not intended to be used on commuter and suburban services. In this standard, commuter is understood as: for the French network: RER; for the German network: S-Bahn. The masses defined in this European Standard are as follows (see Clause 2): a) dead mass; b) design mass; 1) design mass, in working order; 2) design mass under normal payload; 3) design mass under exceptional payload; c) operational mass; 1) operational mass, in working order; 2) operational mass under normal payload. These masses are defined with respect to the whole vehicle, but they can also apply to a specific system or component.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-4 - KT. për Transport dhe Shërbime Postare


01.040.45 - Inxhinieri hekurudhore (Fjalorë)
45.060.01 - Pjesë rrokullisëse të vagonave dhe lokomotivave


2008/57/EC - DIREKTIVA 2008/57/EC E PARLAMENTIT EUROPIAN DHE E KËSHILLIT datës 17 qershor 2008 mbi ndërveprimin e sistemit hekurudhor brenda Komunitetit (rinovim)

Veprim Kombëtar

SK EN 15663:2019 replaces SK EN 15663:2012 - 2019-03-07
Numri Standardit
31 € 
Zbatime në hekurudhë - Masat referuese të automjeteve
31 € 
Zbatime në hekurudhë-Përcaktimi i masave referuese të automjeteve

Copyright 2019 Agjencia Kosovare për Standardizim