Titulli Shqip
Sistemet intiligjente të transportit -Identifikimi automatik i automjeteve dhe i pajisjeve të tyre intermodale -Arkitektura dhe terminologjia e transportit intermodal të mallrave (ISO/TS 17261 : 2006)
Titulli Anglisht
Intelligent transport systems - Automatic vehicle and equipment identification - Intermodal good transport architecture and terminology (ISO/TS 17261:2005)
Scope Shqip
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Scope Anglisht
ISO TS 17261:2005 describes the conceptual and logical architecture for automatic vehicle and Equipment identification (AVI/AEI) and supporting services in an intermodal/multimodal environment. It presents a high level view of AEI intermodal and multimodal system Architecture. ISO TS 17261:2005 describes the key sub systems, their associated interfaces and interactions and how they fit into system-wide functions such as management, security and information flow.