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Time: 22:31

SK SSH EN ISO 12156-1:2020
Status: Withdrawn
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 29
Publikuar: 2020-04-27
I tërhequr: 2024-03-07
Regjistri Kombëtar: 303/2020
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 12156-1:2018
This standard is identical to:
ISO 12156-1:2018
Çmim: 28 €

Titulli Shqip

Lendet djegese diesel -Vleresimi i vetise lubrifikuese duke perdorur aparaturen me levizje vajtje -ardhje me frekuence te larte (ALVAFR) -Pjesa 1 : Metoda e proves (ISO 12156 -1 : 2006)

Titulli Anglisht

Diesel fuel - Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) - Part 1: Test method (ISO 12156-1:2018)

Scope Shqip

Asnjë informacion i shtuar.

Scope Anglisht

This document specifies a test method using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR), for assessing the lubricating property of diesel fuels, including those fuels which could contain a lubricity-enhancing additive. It defines two methods for measurement of the wear scar; Method "A" — Digital camera, and Method "B" — Visual observation. This test method applies to fuels used in diesel engines. NOTE It is not known if this test method will predict the performance of all additive/fuel combinations, including paraffinic fuels for which no additional correlation testing has been performed. Nevertheless, no data has been presented to suggest that such fuels are not within scope.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-2 - KT. për Derivate të Naftës dhe Gazit.


75.160.20 - Lëndë djegëse të lëngëta


Asnjë informacion i shtuar.

Veprim Kombëtar

SK SSH EN ISO 12156-1:2020 replaces SK EN ISO 12156-1:2018 - 2019-11-06
Copyright 2019 Agjencia Kosovare për Standardizim