Titulli Shqip
Atmosfera me fuqi të madhe eksploduese -Zbatimi i sistemeve të cilësisë
Titulli Anglisht
Explosive atmospheres - Part 34: Application of quality systems for equipment manufacture (ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011)
Scope Shqip
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.
Scope Anglisht
ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011 specifies particular requirements and information for establishing and maintaining a quality system to manufacture Ex equipment including protective systems in accordance with the Ex certificate. It does not preclude the use of other quality systems that are compatible with the objectives of ISO 9001:2008 and which provide equivalent results. This publication is published as a double logo standard. This standard should be read in conjunction with ISO 9001:2008.
Komitetet Teknike
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.Veprim Kombëtar
SK EN ISO IEC 80079-34:2017
SK EN 13980:2008
- 2016-07-22