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SK ISO 16507:2016
Status: Published
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 34
Publikuar: 2016-08-16
Regjistri Kombëtar: 157/2016
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
ISO 16507:2013
ISO/TC 165
Çmim: 31 €

Titulli Shqip

Struktura duri – Ngarkesat uniforme, të përqëndruara statike dhe dinamike, mbi çatitë me bazë druri dhe panelet e montuara të dyshemeve – Metoda e provës

Titulli Anglisht

Timber structures -- Uniform, concentrated static and concentrated impact loads on wood-based roof and floor panel assemblies -- Test methods

Scope Shqip

Standardi zbatohet p[r p[rcaktimin e q[ndrueshm[ris[ n[ p[rkulje dhe d[mtimin e paneleve me baz[ druri q[ i n[nshtrohen nj[ ngarkese godit[se t[ p[rq[ndruar nga objekte me p[rb[rje jo t[ ashp[r, ngarkesave statike t[ p[rq[ndruara dhe t[ shp[rndara n[ m[nyr[ uniforme. Sip[rfaqja e shtypur nuk vler[sohet e ndar[ nga deformimi. Proçedurat sh[rbejn[ p[r t[ simuluar nj[ ngarkes[ mbi çati ose mbi dysheme t[ muntoara drejp[rdrejt n[ inkuadrim. Jan[ mbuluar tre aplikacione: veshja e çatis[, Le procedure servono a simulare il carico sul tetto o sul pavimento guaina materiali installati direttamente a inquadratura. Tre applicazioni sono coperti: rivestimento del tetto, sottofondi e pavimenti singoli

Scope Anglisht

This International Standard is applicable to determining the resistance to deflection and damage of woodbased panels subjected to concentrated impact loads from nonrigid blunt objects, concentrated static loads, and uniformly distributed loads. Surface indentation is not evaluated separately from deflection. The procedures are intended to simulate loading on roof or floor sheathing materials installed directly to framing. Three applications are covered: roof sheathing, subfloors, and single floors. Panels are tested parallel and/or perpendicular to the panel strength axis. Roof sheathing is tested in both a dry and a wet condition, while subfloors and single floors are both tested in a dry condition, as well as a condition of having dried out after being wet. These moisture conditions are those commonly experienced with site-built construction. These procedures do not cover vibration and are not intended for the evaluation of the framed assembly as a whole.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-9 - KT. për Përpunimin e Drurit


91.080.20 - Struktura prej druri


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Veprim Kombëtar

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