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SK EN ISO 14505-3:2014
Status: Published
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 19
Publikuar: 2014-07-14
Regjistri Kombëtar:
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 14505-3:2006
CEN/TC 122
Çmim: 23 €

Titulli Shqip

Ergonomikat e mjedisit termal -Vlerësimi i mjedisit termik në automjete -Pjesa 3 : Vlerësimi i komfortit termik duke përdorur subjekte njerëzore (ISO 14505 -3 : 2006)

Titulli Anglisht

Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Evaluation of the thermal environment in vehicles - Part 3: Evaluation of thermal comfort using human subjects (ISO 14505-3:2006)

Scope Shqip

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Scope Anglisht

ISO 14505-3:2006 gives guidelines and specifies a standard test method for the assessment, using human subjects, of thermal comfort in vehicles. It is not restricted to any particular vehicle but provides the general principles that allow assessment and evaluation. The method can be used to determine a measure of the performance of a vehicle for conditions of interest, in terms of whether it provides thermal comfort to people or not. This can be used in vehicle development and evaluation. ISO 14505-3:2006 is applicable to all types of vehicles, including cars, buses, trucks, off-road vehicles, trains, aircraft, ships, submarines, and to the cabins of cranes and similar spaces. It applies where people are enclosed in a vehicle and when they are exposed to outside conditions. For those exposed to outside conditions, such as riders of bicycles or motorcycles, drivers of open sports cars and operators of fork lift trucks without cabins, vehicle speed and weather conditions can dominate responses. The principles of assessment, however, will still apply. ISO 14505-3:2006 applies to both passengers and operators of vehicles where its application does not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-4 - KT. për Transport dhe Shërbime Postare


13.180 - Ergonomi
43.020 - Automjete në përgjithësi


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Veprim Kombëtar

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