Titulli Shqip
Produkte ushqimore për kafshë, drithëra dhe prodhime të bluara drithrash -Udhëzime për zbatimin e spektrometrisë me rreze infra të kuqe (ISO 12099 : 2010)
Titulli Anglisht
Animal feeding stuffs, cereals and milled cereal products - Guidelines for the application of near infrared spectrometry (ISO 12099:2010)
Scope Shqip
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.
Scope Anglisht
ISO 12099:2010 gives guidelines for the determination by near infrared spectroscopy of constituents such as moisture, fat, protein, starch, and crude fibre as well as parameters such as digestibility in animal feeding stuffs, cereals and milled cereal products.
The determinations are based on spectrometric measurement in the near infrared spectral region.