Titulli Shqip
Produkte ushqimore -Përcaktimi i përmbajtjes së azotit total me djegie në bazë të parimit Dumas dhe llogaritja e përmbajtjes së proteinave krudo -Pjesa 1 : Farat vajore dhe ushqimet per kafshë (ISO 16634 -1 : 2008)
Titulli Anglisht
Food products - Determination of the total nitrogen content by combustion according to the Dumas principle and calculation of the crude protein content - Part 1: Oilseeds and animal feeding stuffs (ISO 16634-1:2008)
Scope Shqip
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.
Scope Anglisht
ISO 16634-1:2008 specifies a method for the determination of the total nitrogen content and the calculation of crude protein content of oilseeds and animal feeding stuffs.
This method, like the Kjeldahl method, does not distinguish between protein nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen. For the calculation of protein content, various conversion factors are used.
This method is not applicable to milk and milk products.