Titulli Shqip
Produktet e ndërtimit -Trajtimi i akustikës në specifikimet teknike të produktitBuilding products -Treatment of acoustics in product technical specifications
Titulli Anglisht
Building products - Treatment of acoustics in product technical specifications
Scope Shqip
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.
Scope Anglisht
This document specifies the technical requirements relating to acoustics for a product standard, European Technical Approval Guidelines (ETAG) or European Technical Approval (ETA) for a specific building product or equipment, or a family of building products or equipment. In particular, it gives advice on how to write requirements in response to the mandated characteristics on acoustics under the Construction Products Directive.
NOTE 1 In the remainder of this document, the terms used relate to CEN and product standards. The concepts are, however, equally applicable to the European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA).
The purpose of this document is to assist the product Technical Committees in preparing acoustic clauses to ensure that such product standards:
- are as homogeneous as possible, with each individual product standard having the same basic structure;
- are in full accordance with the standards for the measurement of acoustic properties;
- reflect the latest technical knowledge of methods of determining the acoustical properties from the specific family of building products or equipment under consideration.
NOTE 2 Clause 2 lists the European and International Standards to be used in the drafting of acoustic provisions standard. Annex A contains an outline of a typical acoustic product standard summarizing the information that is required. Annex B contains guidance on choosing appropriate properties. Annex C describes the relevant measured acoustic properties for common products.