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SK EN 14677:2022
Status: Published
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 54
Publikuar: 2022-08-18
Regjistri Kombëtar: 418/2022
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN 14677:2008
CEN/TC 322
Çmim: 38 €

Titulli Shqip

Siguria e makinerisë - Prodhimi i çelikut sekondar - Makineri dhe pajisje për përpunimin e çelikut të lëngshëm

Titulli Anglisht

Safety of machinery - Secondary steelmaking - Machinery and equipment for treatment of liquid steel

Scope Shqip

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Scope Anglisht

This European Standard specifies the general safety requirements for secondary steelmaking machinery and equipment (SSE) as defined in 3.1 to treat liquid steel. This European Standard covers machinery and equipment involved in the treatment process of liquid steel under vacuum or atmospheric pressure. This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events pertinent to SSE, when used as intended and under conditions foreseen by the manufacturer, but also includes foreseeable faults and malfunctions in case of misuse. This European Standard specifies the requirements to ensure the safety of persons which are to be met during the design, assembly, transport, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the equipment. This European Standard assumes that SSE are operated and maintained by adequately trained and competent personnel. Manual intervention for setting, adjustment and maintenance is accepted as part of the normal use of the equipment. NOTE 1 Annex B shows examples of SSE. The following equipment is not covered by the scope of this European Standard:  cranes;  fork lift trucks or other transporting equipment;  ladles;  equipment for relining and preheating in the relining area;  burners according to EN 746-2;  dust and fume exhaust systems. NOTE 2 Significant hazards and hazardous situations due to transporting/positioning of heavy components, e. g., by cranes (e. g., ladles, vessels, covers) are considered in this standard (see 5.2.3). This European Standard is not applicable to SSE manufactured before the date of publication of this standard in the Official Journal.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-10 - KT. për Makineri


77.180 - Pajisje për industrinë metalurgjike


2006/42/EC - Direktiva 2006/42/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 17 majit 2006 për makinerinë, dhe amendimi i Direktivës 95/16/EC (rinovim)
94/9/EC - Pajisje dhe sisteme të mbrojtjes për përdorim në atmosfera potencialisht shpërthyese (ATEX)
98/37/EC - Makineria
2014/34/EU - Direktiva 2014/34 / EU e Parlamentit Evropian dhe e Këshillit e datës 26 shkurt 2014 mbi harmonizimin e ligjeve të shteteve anëtare lidhur me pajisjet dhe sistemet mbrojtëse të destinuara për përdorim në atmosfera potencialisht shpërthyese (ripunimi)

Veprim Kombëtar

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