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SK SSH EN ISO 23125:2022
Status: Published
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 88
Publikuar: 2022-01-28
Regjistri Kombëtar: 373/2022
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 23125:2015
CEN/TC 143
This standard is identical to:
ISO 23125:2015
ISO/TC 39/SC 10
Çmim: 48 €

Titulli Shqip

Veglat e makinerisë - Siguria - Makinat tornuese (ISO 23125:2015, versioni i korrigjuar 2016-03-15)

Titulli Anglisht

Machine tools - Safety - Turning machines (ISO 23125:2015, Corrected version 2016-03-15)

Scope Shqip

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Scope Anglisht

ISO 23125:2014 specifies the requirements and/or measures to eliminate the hazards or reduce the risks in the following groups of turning machines and turning centres, which are designed primarily to shape metal by cutting. Group 1: Manually controlled turning machines without numerical control. Group 2: Manually controlled turning machines with limited numerically controlled capability. Group 3: Numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres. Group 4: Single- or multi-spindle automatic turning machines. It covers the significant hazards and applies to ancillary devices (e.g. for workpieces, tools and work clamping devices, handling devices and chip handling equipment), which are integral to the machine. ISO 23125:2014 also applies to machines which are integrated into an automatic production line or turning cell inasmuch as the hazards and risks arising are comparable to those of machines working separately.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-10 - KT. për Makineri


25.080.01 - Makina metalprerëse në përgjithësi


2006/42/EC - Direktiva 2006/42/EC e Parlamentit Europian dhe e Këshillit të 17 majit 2006 për makinerinë, dhe amendimi i Direktivës 95/16/EC (rinovim)

Veprim Kombëtar

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