Titulli Shqip
Fabrika për përpunimin e makaronave - Makinë shpërndarëse, nxjerrëse, prerëse, me transportues me kthim me shkop, magazinim me shkop - Siguria dhe kërkesat e higjenës
Titulli Anglisht
Pasta processing plants - Spreader, stripping and cutting machine, stick return conveyor, stick magazine - Safety and hygiene requirements
Scope Shqip
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.
Scope Anglisht
This European Standard applies to spreader, stripping and cutting machine, as well as the stick return conveyor and the stick magazine (see clause 3), used in continuous pasta processing plants able to produce more than 100 kg/h.
This European standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture and information for safe use of spreader, stripping and cutting machine, as well as the stick return conveyor and the stick magazine classified as stationary units which cannot be moved when in operation.
This European Standard does not apply to:
- household machines,
- semiautomatic machines, so called "batch machines" requiring manual loading.
The significant hazards covered by this standard are listed in clause 4.
These hazards and the measures for their reduction are described in the present European Standard.
Ancillary equipment, which is not an integral part of the machinery (e.g. hoppers), is not covered by this European Standard.
This European Standard is not applicable to machines in its scope which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.
Komitetet Teknike
Veprim Kombëtar
Asnjë informacion i shtuar.Numri Standardit
34 €
Makinat për prodhimin e makaronave -Makinat holluese, pastruese dheprerese, konvejeret për kthimin e fijeve dhe për takimin e fijeve -Kërkesa përsigurin dhe higjenen