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Time: 22:00

SK EN/ISO 23279:2013
Status: Withdrawn
Gjuha: English
Faqe: 19
Publikuar: 2013-12-09
I tërhequr: 2022-08-29
Regjistri Kombëtar: 421/2022
Standardet ndërkombëtare që kanë lidhje
This standard is identical to:
EN ISO 23279:2010
CEN/TC 121
Çmim: 23 €

Titulli Shqip

Provat pa shkatërrim në saldime -Provat me ultratinguj -Karakterizimi i shenjave në saldim (ISO 23279 : 2010)

Titulli Anglisht

Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Characterization of indications in welds (ISO 23279:2010)

Scope Shqip

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Scope Anglisht

ISO 23279:2010 specfies how to characterize embedded indications by classifying them as planar or non-planar. This procedure is also suitable for indications that break the surface after removal of the weld reinforcement.

Komitetet Teknike

KT-1 - KT. për Ndërtim


25.160.40 - Lidhje të salduara


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Veprim Kombëtar

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Copyright 2019 Agjencia Kosovare për Standardizim